eBay Tricks Buyers and Sellers

Some of the first things your going to see after you click on an eBay item

“More Like This”  the slide out banner actually blocks the buyers from bidding on the sellers item, this is very unique from the criminal minds at eBay, steal the sellers listing fee and waste their time

The free shipping logo right inside the sellers picture immediately ruining the sellers item

The like, want and own buttons on top of the bidding box all hidden facebook links to hurt and chase away buyers

“See what other People are Watching”

“Buy what other People are Buying”

“People who are Interested in this Item also Bought our Forced Items” Please buy the items were going to show you and ignore the items you really wanted to buy, we know whats best for you, thanks, from eBay inc

“Do what other People are Doing”

eBay advertisements all over the sellers item to distract buyers away

Yes eBay and their friends come first, the sellers come last and they will be used as useless money slaves

Before you have a chance to really look at the pictures and read the sellers listing, eBay is going to distract you away from the Item basically saying, please buy from our employees and friends and click on our ads, thanks, from eBay Pigs

If eBay thinks sellers are going to pay 30 cents a listing or open a store for $29 to $59 a month to avoid the listing fees they thought dead wrong.

Sellers get screwed royally why would anyone open up a store if their listings are hidden, blocked, ruined and redirected to others, this is very deceptive and criminal like on eBay’s part.